Tag Archive | breakfast


This week the theme in the Gallery is Breakfast

Most days I would love breakfast to be nothing but this…


But It mainly looks a bit like this on a weekday….


Slightly burnt, a bit rushed and more functional than anything else. Im usually eating it in the car on the way to work and that’s on a good day. In truth, most days we are rushing out the door in such a frantic state that I miss breakfast.

Then at the weekends we make up for it and usually have a massive brunch type one. One of my favourite weekend brekkies has to be this….


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The theme in Tara’s gallery this week is Morning.

I’ve seen some wonderful photos over on Instagram of people’s mornings – from breakfast and that first cuppa, to sunrises, journies to work/school, what they’re wearing and photos of feet up with a book and a bar of chocolate! As ever, interpret the theme any way you like.

A nice cup of tea, and eggs, beans and toast popped into my head instantly. Then I realised. I hardly ever have time for brekkie when I’m rushing around in the mornings to get myself and Baby Z out to work.

One very memorable morning then came to mind. Sitting on what was a “dull” day we sat on the beach and watched the early morning sport enthusiasts jet skiing around. It feels like many moons ago now as I tried to eat my bodyweight in pancakes and omelettes for an entire week.