The Mothers Day Meme

I’ve been tagged in a Mothers Day Meme by the lovely Gemma from Always a Mum and Far from Home Mama. I know the UK has had its one but it’s not Mothers Day in other countries until May and, really, if you think about it, it’s Mothers day every day isn’t it?

So here goes…

Describe Motherhood in three words
Life changing, Amazing, Hard

Does your experience differ from your mother’s – how?
Like poles apart. My mum and dad had no family support as they were relatively new to the UK about 35 years ago. She had her immediate family but my dad didn’t really have anyone and worked 14 hour days. I’ve had both my own family and my Inlaws going us a lot of support and “us” time. I don’t know how the hell my parents did it with 3 kids and two full time jobs. I would have to admit, in comparison, I am a total lightweight!

What’s the best thing?

The cuddles. The amazingness of it all. How I’ve grown him, how he picks things up and you are left stunned at his new skills. How he smiles, and babbles and does funny things!

How has it changed you?
I have become more settled and more of a stress head all at the same time. I used to be the type of person that hated sitting indoors, even for one day. I would now gladly do it and am more than happy with a a movie and pizza. I’ve become a worrier though. Will my boy grow up in a good world? Will he have good friends? What if he hurts himself? What if what if etc etc!

What do you hope for your children?

That he grows up to be a happy good man and is successful in whatever he wants to achieve in life.

What do you fear for them?

Everything… Will he be happy? Will he be ok? Should we move? Schools? Etc etc. I could go on all day!

What makes it all worthwhile?
When he puts his head in my lap. When he does something that makes my OH and I look at each other and beam so proudly. When he throws his head back and chuckles with all his body. I could go on all day šŸ™‚

Now I have to tag some mummy’s so I tag:

6 thoughts on “The Mothers Day Meme

  1. Thanks for answering! I’m with you on the film and pizza. That would’ve been a last resort in the past but now it’s a good night. Amazing how quickly your life changes. Those chuckles really do make it all worthwhile.

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