About Me

Welcome to my blog!

I am mummy to a very lively one year old boy who likes to climb absolutely everything in sight and then smile with a mischievous glint in his eye. He is fast becoming a playful toddler. I started this blog when he was 5 months old as a way to keep a record of baby’s development and all our memories.

Given that I wasn’t sleeping very much those first few months it was a good way to actually capture some memories and a way to keep my brain alive.

It’s turned into a little more than that now. It’s now about Baby Boy Z, Me, and everything we feel like writing about (mainly all from me as he’s 1 and would much rather climb on the laptop. Or bang it).

And my blog name? Well, when I first started maternity leave I was under some mad illusion that it would be a year off work. After the 3rd month of broken, disturbed and very little sleep I realised that this was definitely Not My Year Off. I decided I would continue to write under this blog name once my maternity leave finished, mainly because I’m too lazy to start another blog and partly because it’s all where I want it. I’m now back at work on a part time basis and god…it doesn’t feel like part time!

Not My Year Off.


4 thoughts on “About Me

  1. My son will be one year old next week, and I still feel like a new mum lol. I don’t think the feeling goes away until you have another one….

    I see you are weaning. Poo does become the the hot topic around that time. Don’t worry, the novelty wears off soon enough (the stink, unfortunately, does not).

    Sleep? What is that? šŸ˜‰

  2. When weaning the poo goes adult like which is bliss cos it can be tipped into the loo and flushed and then the nappy isn’t smelly at all – can go in the bin (or wash if resusable).
    I still feel “new” and Aaron is 13 months – you can tell I am new by my blog title šŸ™‚

    Liska xxx

  3. Hi! I’m Sue, and I’m from SlimKicker, a fitness/diet app and online website. I saw your blog today and it captured my interest!

    I’m contacting you b/c we’re about to release a fitness tracker (similar to FitBit) early next year, and are looking for bloggers who would be interested in receiving 1 for free to review when it is out (negative or positive).

    Would you be interested in doing this? You can email me at: sue (at) slimkicker (com) with ‘Review’ in the email heading if you are.

    Just to let you know, our online website SlimKicker basically turns your fitness/diet goals into a fun level-up game. The tracker will work in conjunction the website, and allow people to track calories burned and number of steps they walk automatically. The more they exercise, the more points they rack up! That’s basically how it will work.

    Anyway, hope to hear back either way…

    – Sue
    P.S. You can choose not to publish this comment as this is more of a private comment šŸ™‚

  4. Pingback: About Me « Freshnewblog's Blog

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