2 Years

Almost 2 years ago I was very heavily pregnant and approaching my due date of the 16th December. It had snowed heavily and I was stuck indoors…bored! I didn’t mind too much though as it meant I could just sleep all day and at that stage in my pregnancy I was either completely tired all the time or wondering where my next lamb chop was going to come from. Even in the heavy snow. Lamp chops were my obsessive craving.

Thankfully this mental craving only lasted the duration of my pregnancy, after which I quickly went back to hating all fatty things and spending ages cutting it off any meat I touch.

Almost two years on I have a toddler that hates lamb. He doesn’t like the chewy texture and will chew for a while and then try to spit it back out again, much preferring chicken. Cottage Pie is a firm favourite though…on the days where he is in the mood to eat. One must be in the mood. And one mustn’t let food get in the way of playing.

Two years on we have a toddler that has changed our lives forever and continues to do so every day. The little whirlwind that doesn’t stop and who, over the last month, has taken to dancing to every tune that comes on TV. Not just bum wiggling but even groovy hand moves. Straight out of the 70’s. And everyone must join in!

Two years ago today I didn’t know whether we were having a boy or a girl. My instincts told me it was a boy but I couldn’t picture what he looked like. At this stage we hadn’t even chosen a name for him/her. We always meant to sit down and look through name books but I don’t remember touching a single one. We just rattled off names we liked and 100% were ruled out. It had to be right. We hadn’t found the right one. It took us until he was a day old to finally seriously start looking. In the end, naming him wasn’t that hard. And so he was named Little Z.

Two years ago I had no clue of even how to hold a baby. Before I had little Z I would only hold a newborn for about a minute if I was lucky before they started crying. I really only liked “solid” babies. You know, the one that could sit up and giggle. Then I could entertain for hours!

Two years ago I had no idea what it was like to have a baby in your life.

Two years on we have a little boy with his own personality. I can see my stubbornness in him. I slightly dread the teen years and hope he is a better teen than I was. I can see the OH’s slim build in him ( that will always be there no matter how many pizzas we try to feed him!) and a love of sport. I can picture us freezing at the side of the football pitch watching him run after the ball constantly. Even if he’s not meant to.

I remember when Little Z turned one and there was a big part of me that was very sad about it. He was growing up and it felt like those first months had gone by too quickly and that I’d never get them back. This last year has been SO much fun though. This last year was the year he grew into a little boy. The year he’s given us an insight into who he is as a little person and just that is a world of discovery in itself. Things he likes, things he doesn’t like, the things he says, the things he finds awesome and the way he makes the tiniest thing the centre of the universe for a while.

2 Years Old

a mom blog community!


Hello All!!

This is a quick post to say I have FINALLY become a self hosted blog. After about 2 years of saying I’ll do it. Yes…because I am that lazy.

I will now be http://www.notmyyearoff.com – It actually looks a bit of a mess at the moment because in true me style I took the plunge instead of methodically getting all my stuff together first. So its missing my theme (mainly) and various other bits and pieces which I’m now searching my emails for. But its coming together and I’m hoping to cobble it all back together quickly over the next week. (How many Plug INs?!?)

If you follow me on here then you’ll have to re-subscribe. Its a small, big and very annoying thing where I can’t just shift my users across. If, like me, you are epically lazy then you will find, any time you try to access my old address it will divert over to my new (currently not that nice to look at) blog. (I’ll put the divert on tonight sometime!).

I have also mentally prepared myself to free fall a bazillion places in the Tots100.

BUT I am FINALLY Self hosted!


Oh – and if you have me in your bookmarks and blog rolls, please could you update? Thank you!

No Parties!

We decided whilst we were on holiday that we wouldn’t have a party for Zs birthday. We had two quite big, quite loud and quite fun parties for his first and decided that this year we’ll only have a very quiet thing. Just the 3 of us.

In truth, I partly couldn’t be bothered post holiday and having not much time with going to work and having no more lead left.

Then Z started singing his new favourite song on a daily basis…”Happy (birthday) TOOO YOOOUUU!!”. We decided a cake wouldn’t be pushing the boat out. And maybe telling his cousins we’re at home with cake that day if they’d like to just drop in.

Maybe a few more nibbles.

And some party plates…to make the little ones happy.

Of course we have to invite the grandparents. They have to be there. That’s a given.

And my brothers and sis in law of course. Just immediate family.

And maybe all my aunts and uncles too because they love playing with him.

And my cousins too.

…and maybe the odd friend as they’ll be up for Xmas.

That’s still keeping it small.

Oh we’ll need party games…and pass the parcel…can’t forget pass the parcels.

Pinatas? Maybe not. God, the mess last year! I was finding confetti in the strangest of places for weeks!

And two cakes..one for each side. Now who’ll do it for me at short notice?

Because we’ll need two parties.

Oh and avoid the nut allergies

…and egg allergies…

Wonder if that includes cake…hmmm

Ooh party bags!

Maybe not…they’ll be happy with cake right?

Ahh maybe just for the kids…

(and me!)

Not sure I can be bothered with party hats.

Helium balloons might be fun though.

And orders cakes for a couple of days before to avoid snow. Just in case…

Yep…just a very small thing this year.